Beno Jickson

I am a Writer

Beno Jickson

My hometown is Nagercoil. Let me tell you about my family. I'm so much proud to tell you about them. We are a family of 4. I live with my dad, my mom and my small sister. I love all of them so much.
SCHOOL: SLB Govt Hr Sec School, Nagercoil.
College: Info Institute Of Engineering, Coimbatore.
Hobbies: Playing Volleyball, Reading Books, Blogging.

  • Nagercoil, TamilNadu, India.
  • +91 9445208747

My Professional Skills

I'm currently working as Software Developer in Joyra Systems Private Limited, Nagercoil- 629 001.

HTML 80%
CSS 60%


God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.


No family is perfect… we argue, we fight. We even stop talking to each other at times. But in the end, family is family… The love will always be there.


Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.


There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.


A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he/she really is.


Volleyball is 90% Heart, 10% Skill, and 10% Passion. You ALWAYS give 110%!!!! No matter what!

  • The Man Behind Me 💝

    "I can't promise to fix your all problems, but I can promise you won't have to face them alone." 

          The day we realize who we are and what is inbetween us make a new beginning of our journey. Years may passed but the love he showered me increasing day by day. We underwent lot of struggles but in all the pain & sorrows his shoulders are with me. He never let my hand down. He gave the hope, I'm here for you in all circumstances. Struggles gave us lot of new lessons, but it also give the strength to overcome in it. More than 2 years went on struggle to prove our love. Each steps grows harder & harder, but in all he don't let me alone. His hand is there to wipe my tears. His words are there to console my broken heart. His tears showed how much he loves & care for me. His presence strengthen me to stand in the battle to save our love, to prove that our love is true.

    Words hurted me to the core...... 
    Physical torture hurted me to the most..... 

    but in all circumstances he stood on my side to gave me hope to face the situations with love and care. I showed all my anger towards him. But his patience will make me calm and realize what the situation actually is. The man giveup all his anger only for me. Whatever he do, behind that I'm the reason why he is doing that. A man who doesn't have anything to think of him except me. Being together and doing nothing can be the best way to spend time that means everything. He gave everything to me, but I'm the only thing he want in his life. 

    Words may not express how much he is important to me but my tears will show how important he is in my life. What ever happen he will stood on my side, he will never let me alone. He is the meaning for my life. My love. My everything. He is the reason for my living.  Everything changed the moment when we realize our love. Without him I'm nothing. His presence will make me happy. His words strengthen me. 

    In all his activities I impressed the most. His smile make me the happiest person in the world. His sense of humor make me to think how his brain is working. But in all he is my everything.  Nothing will stand near to him. He is the most special person in my life. Love makes life beautiful. His love make me to feel that I'm the most special person in this world. My days begins and end with him.

    "I knew you were special from the moment we met. I'm looking forward to all of our tomorrows."
  • The Man Who Vanished As Mysteriously As He Came

    It was July 1954 when a smartly dressed man arrives at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan. Much like other passengers, he makes his way to customs. But whatever happened from this point onwards have left all puzzled and concerned. When questioned by the customs officers, the mysterious passenger said he was from Taured, also referred to as Taured Mystery. The mystery man claimed that it was the third time he was visiting Japan from his country. But, to the surprise of officers, they couldn’t find any country named Taured. The primary language of the man, described as Caucasian looking with a beard, was French. However, she was purportedly speaking Japanese and many other languages as well.

    Officers were perplexed because they had never heard about any such country. The passport of the man was issued by of course the Taured. The passport looked authentic but the place was not recognized.

    Location of Taured

    The man was then given a map and asked to point out his country. He immediately man pointed to the area occupied by the Principality of Andorra. Andorra is at the border of France and Spain. The man said that his country has been in existence for 1000 years and was a little puzzled why his country was called Andorra on the map. The man argued with the customs officers for long and refused to give in.

    What Is The Mystery All About?

    He was also carrying currencies of different countries, probably because he had made several business trips. The mystery man shared other details like the company for which he was working and the hotel where he stayed. Officials find out that the company which he mentioned existed in Tokyo but not in Taured. Similarly, the hotel he mentioned did exist but hotel employees informed them that no such booking was made. This prompted officers to take the man in custody for further interrogation. Officers were suspicious that he might be some criminal and confiscated his documents and personal belongings. The officers put the mystery man in a nearby hotel whilst they conducted their investigation.

    Mystery Man Vanishes Amid Tight Security

    To ensure that the mystery man didn’t escape, two guards were placed on the door. It must be mentioned that the hotel room in which he was staying only had one entry and exit point. But to everyone’s surprise, the man vanished the next morning. Not only that, but all his personal documents had also disappeared. A search was launched to find the man but in vain. The thing that was troubling investigating officers was that he was put up in a room high up in the multi-storey hotel building with no balcony.

    Unexplained Phenomena

    Some people argued that the mystery man was indeed from Taured but the country happens to be in another universe and somehow passed through a parallel dimension and ended up at Haneda Airport. Another theory is that the mystery man was a time traveller and had mistakenly landed at the airport. Above all this, there are people who claim that it’s just an elaborate internet hoax.

  • 10 Important Life Lessons

    Life is a continuous learning experience. Throughout our lives we keep rising and falling, picking up important lessons along the way. Some of these lessons come from experience, yet there are others that we learn watching others or reading in books for example. No matter how much we learn from the books there is a significant difference between practical and theoretical experience. Furthermore, there are many life lessons that we simply cannot learn until we face certain situations in our life. Most people would say that there are some lessons that come too late, catching us off-guard and unprepared.

    The following list unveils some of the most important lessons in life that people learn the hard way.

    1. Walk your own path

                People like to judge other people. This peer pressure can make you stray from the path you started to carve for your future. Don’t mind other people’s aspirations, don’t ever let someone else’s goals and dreams influence your vision of life. It’s your path and you decide where it takes you and how long it takes you to see it through.

    2. Don’t hesitate when you should act
                There is an old Roman proverb that people often quote – “Carpe diem” – meaning “Seize the day”. More often than not, we fail to act due to lack of confidence or courage. This hesitation keeps us from moving forward and puts us in a cage of wondering what might have been. Whenever you feel it’s time to act, take action. No matter the outcome, you will end up smarter than before.

    3. Experience what you have learned
            No matter how much we think we know about some topic, it’s only after we have put that knowledge into use that we get confirmation of the actual level of understanding that we possess. Sure, we could read about painting, learn all the techniques and brush types, color palettes, etc. but only when we get in front of a canvas and start painting we put our knowledge to the test.

    4. Good things don’t come easy
                If you want to have a good life with a successful career, emotional satisfaction, and trustworthy friends you have to work hard. Luck can take you only so far and the rest is entirely up to you, the amount of effort you put in every day, and the ability to learn from your mistakes. Don’t think for a moment that someone else is going to fight your battles with the same vigor and devotion as you would.

    5. Never fail to try more
                  Even when we’re feeling most prepared there is a chance we fail in accomplishing our goal. An athlete could lead the entire race only to fall just in front of the finish line and lose. This doesn’t mean the athlete should stop competing; on the contrary, he would work even harder for the next competition. The results will come, eventually.

    6. Take care of your health early
               When we’re young we can push our body to its limits day after day. It seems as nothing can touch us and we are invincible. However, as we grow older all the parties, drinking, smoking, and eating fast food take a toll on our health. Start developing healthy habits while you’re still young and healthy. Take regular checkups with your doctor and dentist in order to prevent future problems.

    7. Make every moment count
                Life goes by faster than we think. When you’re in your twenties you think you’ll stay there forever but before you know it you are in your thirties and it’s too late for the things you wanted to do as a young person. Live your life to its full extent because life is short and we never know what tomorrow brings.

    8. Live and let live
                We often try to help people when we see they’re making a mistake. This type of behavior can lead us into all kinds of troubles and misunderstandings. Don’t force your ideas onto others, let those who want your help and guidance seek you out. Sometimes it’s best to stay away and let them come to you or you might seem intrusive to others.

    9. Be flexible with your goals
                Sometimes we feel it’s the right time to take action and put our plans in motion only to realize that we were wrong. It’s important to analyze our current position and how our activities could influence our future. Sometimes it’s better to postpone a certain goal or even change it for the time being. Accepting a promotion in a bad time could get us in more trouble than good if the time is not right.

    10. For every action, there’s an equal opposite reaction
                Before you say something or act in a certain way, think about the consequences. A person could be unprepared to hear some truth or won’t respond well to our gesture, no matter how good our intentions are. Treat each word with caution.

    Take these pieces of advice as guidance, not as a rule. Your life is your own and you know what’s best for you. However, keep in mind that morning is wiser than the evening. Enjoy life!
  • Words of Wisdom


    The journey of a thousand miles begin with one step.

    Never hate jealous people. They are jealous because they think you are better than them.

    Don't waste your time on revenge. Those who hurt you will eventually face their own karma.

    Never tell anyone your plans, show them your results instead...

    There is no market for your emotions, so never advertise your feelings.

    Don't give up. Your day will come. It's just a matter of time...

    If you're helping someone and expecting something in return, you're doing business not kindness.

    Trust means everything, but once it's broken sorry means nothing.

    Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come!

    Never leave a true relation for few faults... Nobody is perfect. Nobody is correct at the end. Affection is always greater than perfection.

    Never reply when you are angry...

    Never make a promise when you are happy...

    Never make a decision when you are sad...

    Life is short. Time is fast. No Replay, No Rewind. So enjoy every moment as it comes.

    Don't give up; the beginning always the hardest.

    When you wish good for others, good things come back to you.

    Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realize your hidden potential and power.

    Never cry for someone who hurts you, just smile and say: "Thanks for giving me a chance to find someone better than you."

    If a drop of water falls in lake there is no identity. But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it shine like a pearl. So choose the best place where you would shine.

    Every pain gives a lesson, and every lesson changes a person.

    Life is beautiful! One day One hour One minute will not come again in your entire life. So avoid fights, angriness and speak lovely to every person....

    The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing...

    Never stop learning because Life Never stops teaching...

  • Excuse me, do you sell God?


    One day, a little boy of six year old held a dollar coin in his hand and one of the shop owners along the street: "Excuse me, do you sell God?"

    The shopkeeper thought it could be a prank so he answered no and drove the boy out of the store. Throughout the day, the little boy went in and out of countless stores asking to buy 'God'. Day turned to night and the stubborn little boy walked into the fifty ninth store of the day and asked the
    storekeeper: "Excuse me, sir, do you sell God here?"

    The owner who was a 60-year-old grandpa with silver hair and kind eyes smiled and asked the little boy: "Tell me, child, why do you want to buy God?" For the first time, the boy heard someone responding to his question.

    The little boy shed tears and replied excitedly He told the storekeeper that his parents died when he was still a toddler and his uncle is raising him now. His uncle worked at the construction site. He fell off a scaffolding not too long ago and is now unconscious at the hospital. The doctor told him that only God can save his uncle. The little boy thought that God must be a wonderful thing.

    The little boy said innocently, "If I buy God and let my uncle eat, his injuries will heal."
    After listening to the boy's narrative, the storekeeper's eyes looked teary and asked, 
    "How much do you have?"
    "One dollar," replied the child.
    "Child, god's price is exactly one dollar," said the storekeeper.
    The storekeeper took the coin from little boy and took a bottle of "God's Kiss" from the shelf. He said to the little boy, "Take it, Boy! When your uncle drinks this bottle of 'God', he will get well soon."

    The little boy was overjoyed. Holding the drink tightly in his arms, he ran quickly to the hospital as soon as he entered the ward. He shouted happily to his uncle: "Uncle, I bought 'God' back and you will get well soon."

    The next day,  a medical team consisting of the world's top medical experts took a special plane to the small city and went straight to the hospital where the little boy's uncle was. They did a thorough examination of his uncle's injuries. Soon, the little boy's uncle was cured. 

    When the little boy's uncle was discharged from the hospital, he almost passed out when he saw the medical bill. However, the hospital quickly dispelled his doubts and said that an elderly rich man had already paid the bill. It was the rich elderly man that brought the joint medical experts over to treat the little boy's uncle.

    The little boy's uncle got excited and immediately went to the grocery store with the little boy to thank the storekeeper. When they got to the store, the clerk told them that his boss has already left for a holiday. The clerk also told them that they need not worry too much about the medical expenses and handed a letter written by the billionaire to the little boy's uncle.

    The little boy's uncle tore open the letter and read: "Young man, you don't need to thank me. All the expenses have been paid by your nephew." I wanted to tell you that you are a lucky man to have such a good nephew. To save you, he brought a dollar and went into every store he sees to buy 'God'... He was the person that saved you!
  • An Interview With God

     I dreamed I had an Interview with GOD.

    "So, you would like to interview me?" GOD Asked.

    "If you have time," I said.

    GOD smiled. "My time is eternity... what questions do you have in mind for me?"

    "What surprises you the most about the humankind?"

    GOD Answered...

    "That they got bored with childhood, that they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again."

    "That they lose their health to make money... And then lose their money to restore their health."

    "That they thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future."

    "That they live as if they would never die, and die as though they had never lived."

    GOD's hand took mine.... and we were silent for a while.

    And then I asked, "As a parent, what are some of life's lessons you want your children to learn?"

    GOD replied, "To learn they cannot make anyone love them. All they can do is let themselves be loved."

    "To learn that it is not good to compare themselves with others."

    "To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness."

    "To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in those they love, and it can take many years to heal them."

    "To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least."

    "To learn that there are people who love them deeply, but simply do not yet know how to express or show their feelings."

    "To learn that two people can look at the same thing; and see it differently."

    "To learn that it is not enough that they forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves."

    "Thank you for your time, I said humbly."

    "Is there anything else you would like your children to know?"

    GOD smiled, and said...

    "Just know that I am here Always"

    Let us remember the purpose of God's Creation... to Love

    Love GOD, Love OTHERS.

  • Back To The 90s - Part 2


    I had received much positive feedback from the previous blog Back To The 90s, some are overwhelmed to those memories, so I would like to share the Part 2 of Back To The 90s with you guys. Let's be ready to jump into the old golden memories once again.

    Kindly share this post with your friends and family, make them also to remember their childhood memories. 
    Memories are never faded. 
    Memories are the one making us live alive.

    Follow me @ - Beno's Blog

  • In my life. I've lived, I've loved, I've lost, I've missed, I've trusted, I've hurt, I've made mistakes, most of all, I've learned...



    21-90/1 Beno Bhavan,



    +91 8122637749


    +91 9445208747