Letter From God

  • My Broken Child,

        I know your thoughts. I hear your cry.

        I know your life isn’t going how you wish it would. I know you are experiencing pain. I know you are looking at me and asking “Why God?” I hear it all.

        I hear it all and when you cry, I cry. When you weep, I weep. When you fall to your knees in anguish, I fall to my knees to pick you up.

        Sadly, this world has sin. And with sin comes pain, death and suffering. With sin comes disease, sadness and bullying. However, although your world may be falling apart, this world does not matter. This is not your world. This world is not meant to be perfect. This world is meant to be about you choosing me. This world is about you, in the midst of a world of sin, keeping your eyes on me.

        I never promised this life would be perfect. I never promised that you would never suffer. But, I did promise that I would be with you every step of the way.

        I know your life is hard, but listen to me. I’m whispering in your ear right now. Keep your eyes on me and you will find joy in the midst of your trials. Through Me, your trials become your testimony and your testimony is a sign of my strength.

        When death steals those you love, and disease takes its toll on you– keep your eyes on Me. Take my hand and I will lift you from the valley and make you stronger than you were before your trial. Take my hand and together we can overcome the temporary pain of this world.

        This world is temporary. Your pain is real, but it will not last. This world does not define your value. You value comes from me your Creator. I gave you a world of free-will so you can authentically choose me. With free-will comes sin, and with sin comes suffering. Do not blame me when I am the only one who can save you. Do not blame me when I am the only One who can give you eternal peace.

        You are loved, cherished and important to me. Let me help you. Come back to me my child. Your suffering is real, but temporary. Your relationship with me brings eternal joy. Trust me in your pain. The flames surrounding you will not consume you when you put your trust in Me.

    Your Father,



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    In my life. I've lived, I've loved, I've lost, I've missed, I've trusted, I've hurt, I've made mistakes, most of all, I've learned...



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